Understanding OAuth2… with Horses!

If you're integrating your software with a web service these days, chances are you have to use OAuth2 to authorize it. Here's a little story about a h…


JS framworks are great for richly interactive client-side applications. But what if we just want to take a typical Rails app and spruce it up with a l…


Ruby's Arrays are remarkably flexible and useful data structures, but they aren't always the right choice. Learn how using a data abstraction that enf…

Why GraphQL?

Join guest chef Nat Budin to see how a traditional RESTful API can lead to an inefficient client/server conversation. You'll see what a GraphQL altern…

Savon & SOAP APIs

Learn how to build well-tested interfaces to legacy SOAP-based legacy web APIs from your Ruby application, from guest chef Beth Haubert!

Roda – Part 2

Join guest Federico Iachetti to learn how to work with HTML views, in the lightweight but deceptively powerful Roda web toolkit.

Roda – Part 1

Sometimes Rails is overkill! Roda an elegantly designed lightweight alternative, and in today's episode Federico Iachetti is going to show you how to …

Building queries with rom-rb

In the final entry in our series on ROM with guest Tim Riley, get ready for a quick tour through some more advanced ROM features. You'll get a sense o…