Site News #18: Office Hours, and playing with ChatGPT

Hi graceful devs! Here’s a summary of what’s new since last update…

Most of my time working on the site over the last several weeks has been dedicated to improvements to marketing: writing landing pages, switching to a more cost-effective email CRM, completing Graceful.Dev’s “stable” of social media accounts, hooking up analytics, making contacts about cross-promotions, etc. This stuff isn’t particularly visible or exciting for members, but it’s essential to the long-term sustainability of the site.

Let’s do something new! Join me for Office Hours this Friday. I’ll be working on something Graceful.Dev related, and we can chat about whatever is challenging or exciting you lately. If it’s a hit, we’ll make it a regular thing.

Content Updates

Despite the focus on marketing, we do have a couple of new episodes:

  • Bash Brace Expansion: A quick tip on a command-line technique I use so often that it’s muscle-memory.
  • Writing Boring Code with ChatGPT: A toe-dip into the world of AI-assisted coding. If you like this episode and want to see more on coding with ChatGPT, let me know!

Site Improvements

  • More secure user profile pages: until recently, user profile pages used a URL structure that could expose [a mangled version of] the user’s email address, if their username was their email address. This issue was recently addressed by a vendor update, and profile URLs now use an opaque ID instead.
  • What’s new is more visible: it hasn’t always been obvious what was new on the site. Now most pages have footer widgets listing both the latest topics/episodes, as well as a list of recent blog posts.
  • Graceful.Dev is now on Instagram! When it comes social media and getting the word out, ya gotta catch ’em all…

And that’s what’s new. Until next time, stay graceful!

— Avdi
